Another reimbursement restriction in Germany

Most medicines are reimbursed at 100% from the day of launch in Germany, i.e. coverage by SHI funds is granted with the marketing authorization
German Market Access – Simplified
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Most medicines are reimbursed at 100% from the day of launch in Germany, i.e. coverage by SHI funds is granted with the marketing authorization
Wound treatment materials and products are considered medical devices. The GVWG (§31 (1a) SGB V) from 2 December 2020 introduced a new
Drugs that primarily aim to increase the quality of life are so-called “lifestyle” drugs. These are not covered by the SHI funds
Did you know OTC drugs are reimbursed in Germany in exceptional circumstances? OTC drugs are those that don’t need to be prescribed
Before a new diagnostic and treatment method can be offered and reimbursed in the outpatient sector, two important steps need to be