IQWiG flags up legal barriers to registry-based RCT

Registry-based RCT could provide important answers on the optimal treatments and their sequencing for RRMS, but a lack of reimbursement hinders these
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Registry-based RCT could provide important answers on the optimal treatments and their sequencing for RRMS, but a lack of reimbursement hinders these
After several years of discussions, the EU will start to conduct joint HTAs in 2024. This process will be organized and overseen
The G-BA, physicians, hospitals, SHI funds or patient organizations can request the assessment of a new method. If the request was accepted,
The IQWiG not only examines the benefits and harms of medical interventions for early benefit assessments but also produces independent, evidence-based reports
The IQWiG has just published draft version 6.1 of its “General methods”. The General Methods describe the work procedures of the IQWiG,