Joint HTAs are finally coming to Germany

It’s been a long time in the making, but now the G-BA finally accepted a compromise on joint HTAs conducted at the European level.

After several years of discussion, the EU will start to conduct joint HTAs. These joint HTAs that are conducted by the EU member states will now be included in German benefit assessments, at least for oncology drugs. For a long time, the G-BA did not want to fully replace their assessments with joint assessments. However, they now agreed to a compromise. The G-BA will accept the joint scientific assessment of the clinical evidence but wants to independently interpret the data.

The G-BA plans to roll out the inclusion of joint HTAs in the German early benefit assessments in stages. It will now be applied to oncology drugs, including orphan drugs and ATMPs. After 3 years, this will be widened to also include non-oncology drugs. After another 2 years, all drugs, as well as medical devices, will be assessed in a joint HTA.

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